
Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of payments do you accept at Speech Therapy Success?

Payments may be made by cash, cheque or Email Money Transfer (EMT) at the time the services are provided. *Please note that we are unable to directly bill to your Extended Health Care Plan.

How many sessions will my child or I need?

This number will vary for each client. The amount of time required will depend on individual need. We will be able to give you a better idea regarding the duration of treatment once an assessment has been completed and/or once therapy has begun.

Is a doctor’s referral required to see a speech-language pathologist at Speech Therapy Success?

No it is not required, you may self refer yourself, your child or someone else if you wish. We see both adults and children without a doctor’s referral. However, please check with your insurance provider as some extended health plans require a referral in order to reimburse you.

How do I know my child may need to see a speech-language pathologist / When should I take my child to see a speech-language pathologist?

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s communication, a consultation with a speech-language pathologist is highly recommended. The following topics are examples of areas where we may be able to help your child:

  • Articulation (speech sounds): difficulty saying specific speech sounds and/or difficulty being understand
  • Early Language Development: limited verbal language, difficulty understanding simple questions or following basic commands
  • Preschool/School-aged language: difficulty following directions, answering questions, or expressing him/herself
  • Learning difficulties: reading comprehension and writing are difficult for the child
  • Stuttering: repeating sounds or words, speech does not flow smoothly, visible signs of tension or distress when talking
  • Voice: hoarse/raspy vocal quality, excessively loud or soft voice
  • Social communication: difficulty interacting with peers, other children or adults

How can a speech-language pathologist help an adult client?

If you have any concerns about your own communication a consultation with a speech-language pathologist is recommended. You can self refer or have your family doctor contact our clinic. The following topics are examples of areas where we may be able to help you:

  • Articulation (speech sounds): if sound difficulties affect your speech quality (e.g., a lisp, difficulties with “r” sound)-
  • Reading comprehension
  • Voice difficulties: hoarse or strained voice in the absence of a cold or allergies
  • Stuttering
  • Accent Modification: if your speech is difficult to understand by employers, colleagues, customers, or friends